
Low-Hanging Fruit

Welcome πŸ‘‹ My name is Brock, I'm 26, and an Associate Director/Senior Manager at a Big 4 consulting firm in Australia. This is my little corner of the internet where I share what I'm thinking and reading. You can check out my recent posts to get a taste of what to expect.

Below is a list of books I recommend for anyone who is looking to get into reading for their personal development. I've picked these as they've been immensely valuable for me, yet also beginner-friendly to pick up.




The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

If you want to learn:

β†’ how to manage yourself

β†’ how to work with others

β†’ how to live in alignment with core principles, rather than trying to use deceptive β€œtechniques”




Deep Work

If you want to learn:

β†’ why you should care about doing uninterrupted blocks of work

β†’ how to minimise distractions at work and at home

β†’ how to get complex things done






If you want to learn:

β†’ the life and work lessons of Ray Dalio, founder of one of the most successful investment firms in the world

β†’ the power of documenting and refining your own principles






The Paradox of Choice

If you want to learn:

β†’ why most of us would be better off with less choice, rather than more

β†’ the difference between being a maximiser (trying to pick the best option) and being a satisficer (trying to pick a good option), and how to identify when it’s the right time for each





The Obstacle Is The Way

If you want to learn:

β†’ how to reframe your obstacles as advantages

β†’ why adversity is necessary for achieving anything worthwhile

β†’ some of the best stories of failure leading to ultimate success




The Psychology of Money

If you want to learn:

β†’ the psychology behind why people make poor financial decisions

β†’ how to avoid the trappings of our own psychology






Thinking, Fast and Slow

If you want to learn:

β†’ the common patterns which cause us to make poor decisions

β†’ just how susceptible we are to being influenced






Think and Grow Rich

If you want to learn:

β†’ why your mindset and beliefs play a crucial role in your success

β†’ how to manifest your thoughts into reality (practically - not just wishful nonsense)